What are the four movies that witness Karim Abdelaziz, Mona Zaki collaboration before Le’ab Eyal?



Tue, 15 Aug 2023 - 07:26 GMT


Tue, 15 Aug 2023 - 07:26 GMT


The highly popular cinematic couple Mona Zaki and Karim Abdelaziz will reunite on-screen after 14 years of hiatus in a new titled 'Le’ab Eyal'.


Le’ab Eyal is a new comedy film directed by Tarek Al Arian, with filming scheduled to begin in December.


Before Le'ab Eyal the two superstars collaborated in four movies.

The first was Edhak El Soora Telaa’ Helwa in 1998, then Leh Khaletny Ahebak (2000) and 'Abu Ali' (2005).


Their last collaboration was in 'Welad El A’am' (2009).  





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