Egypt’s star Hany Shaker to perform at Citadel Music Festival for Singing on August 24



Sat, 21 Aug 2021 - 06:02 GMT


Sat, 21 Aug 2021 - 06:02 GMT

CAIRO - 21 August 2021: Egyptian star Hany Shaker will participate at Citadel Festival For Music and singing with a concert that will take place  on August 24.


The Egyptian Ministry of Culture’s YouTube channel presented the renowned Egyptian singer in a concert that was broadcasted on May 16, 2021 to celebrate Sham El Nessim.


 Shaker and Lebanese superstar Carole Samaha cooperated for the first time in two songs.


The two songs were connected to each other, as Shaker and Samaha appeared in both songs as two married couple who are singing for one another.

Shaker and Ahmed Saad performed at Cairo Opera House on February 14, 2021 celebrating Valentine’s Day.

Shaker and  Saad released their duo song “ Ya Bakhto” ( He is Lucky) on Tuesday, November 24, 2020.


The song was written by Ahmed Ibrahim, composed by Ahmed Saad and distributed by Mahmoud Sabry.




The Prince of Arab singing Hany Shaker performed on November 5 , 2020 at the 29th Arab Music Festival.


Shaker  performed at Cairo Opera House on September 18, 2020.


The veteran singer performed an online concert on Thursday, July 23, 2020.


This concert came within the summer concerts organized by Rotana company under the slogan of “ Mekamleen Ma’akom”.


The Egyptian Ministry of Culture’s YouTube channel presented Shaker in a concert on April 20, 2020 to celebrate Sham El Nessim.


The Musician’s Syndicate announced Shaker as the new head of the syndicate on July 31, 2019 after an election, in which he received 1532 voices, was held. 


Hany Shaker’s competitor in the election, Mustafa Kamel, received 589 voices. 


The veteran Egyptian singer performed a massive concert in the Saudi city, Jeddah, on July 5, 2019.


Shaker performed for the first time in Saudi Arabia on March 26, 2019. 


He was accompanied by renowned Egyptian maestro Selim Sahab. 


Poet Naser el-Geel collaborated with the prominent singer in his latest song entitled “Shabahek Awi” (We are alike). “Shabahek Awi” is composed by Mohamed Dia’a and distributed by Bassem Moneir. 


Shaker was born in Cairo in 1952. He started his musical career at a very young age in Abdel Halim Hafez choral in the song “Sora” (Photo). 


Later, Shaker performed the role of young Sayed Darwish in the movie “Sayed Darwish”. 



He studied music in the Cairo Conservatoire.


In 1972, while he was a student in the second year, he released his first breakthrough hit “Heloua Ya Donia” (It’s a wonderful life). 



Shaker had much support from the musical legends at that time, such as Umm Kulthum, Mohamed Abdel Wahab and Abdel Halim Hafez, as they believed in his talent. 



Shaker's musical repertoire includes more than 461 songs such as “Ghalta” (A mistake), “El Helm El Gameel” (The beautiful dream), “Tekhsary” (You will lose), among others. Shaker is the current head of the Egyptian Musicians Syndicate.




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