Receiving works for 15th International Prize for Arabic Fiction ends on June 30



Wed, 26 May 2021 - 12:45 GMT


Wed, 26 May 2021 - 12:45 GMT

FILE - International Prize for Arabic Fiction

FILE - International Prize for Arabic Fiction

CAIRO – 26 May 2021: In conjunction with the announcement of the winning novel of the 14th International Prize for Arabic Fiction, the award began to receive the works of the nominees willing to compete in the 15th edition of the award.




Nominations opened at the beginning of April, and the award will continue to receive nominated works until June 30, 2021.




Each of the publishers eligible to apply has a share in the accepted works. That is determined by the number of times books of the concerned publisher have reached the long list in the past 5 years (2016-2020). The share is identified as follows:


- Publishers who have never made it to the Long List can participate with one novel.


- Publishers who have previously made it to the Long List once or twice van participate with two novels.


- Publishers who have previously made it to the Long List three or four times can participate with three novels.


- Publishers who have previously made it to the Long List five times or more can participate with four novels.




The International Prize for Arabic Fiction is the most prestigious literary prize in the Arab world. The award is given to the best Arabic novel each year, according to the opinion and evaluation of the jury.




The award aims to reward excellence in contemporary Arabic literature, and to raise the level of demand for reading this literature internationally by translating and publishing the winning novels that reached the Short List into other widely-used languages.






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