UAE among top investors in Egypt: Egypt’s Amb. to UAE



Mon, 25 Sep 2017 - 06:35 GMT


Mon, 25 Sep 2017 - 06:35 GMT

The Egyptian ambassador to UAE, Mohammed Gad – File Photo

The Egyptian ambassador to UAE, Mohammed Gad – File Photo

CAIRO – 25 September 2017: The mutual relationship between Egypt and the United Arab Emirates is a strategic one, which relies on historic cornerstones witnessing considerable development, within the relatively identical mutual attitudes of the two countries toward a number of issues of common interest, Egyptian Ambassador to the UAE Mohammed Gad said on Monday.

Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi’s visit to the UAE came within the framework of bolstering mutual ties between the countries, as well as the agreement on cooperation and collaboration in many areas of mutual interest, in addition to sharing experiences in economic and commercial fields, Gad told WAM, the UAE news agency.

Gad stated that the mutual relations between the countries are on parallel paths on political, economic and other levels, adding that figures reflect the distinguished mutual economic relations between the two countries.

Gad pointed out that the UAE comes among the top investors in Egypt, as the volume of UAE investments in Egypt is approximately $6.2 billion. In addition, the mutual commercial exchange has reached $3.3 billion, with Egyptian exports of $2.4 billion and UAE exports of $900 million, attesting to the depth of the countries’ economic and commercial relations.

The Egyptian-Emirati cultural path involves strong and powerful bases that open doors for further integration and cooperation between the countries.



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