Egypt's Financing Strategy to emphasize sustainable development goals



Wed, 26 Jun 2024 - 04:47 GMT


Wed, 26 Jun 2024 - 04:47 GMT

CAIRO – 26 June 2024: Deputy Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Ahmed Kamali, took charge of leading the meeting for the Technical Committee responsible for the preparation and oversight of Egypt's Integrated National Financing Strategy. 
In this role, Kamali underscored the significance of the strategy, which outlines Egypt's approach to financing sustainable development goals. 
He also highlighted that the strategy will continue to evolve with support from various United Nations agencies.
During the meeting, Kamali emphasized the crucial role of financing in achieving sustainability, whether through the Sustainable Development Goals or Egypt Vision 2030. 
He mentioned that the Egyptian government acknowledged this in the Second Voluntary National Report back in 2018. Furthermore, Kamali expressed Egypt's firm commitment and belief in addressing the financing issue.
Kamali further discussed the necessity of moving beyond simple resource transfers and embracing sustainable financing, which necessitates reorganizing financial flows to accomplish shared objectives. 
He elaborated on Egypt's focus on five key sectors: health, education, sanitation, transportation, and social protection, all while considering gender equality and climate change.
 Additionally, He stated that Egypt has pledged to increase the proportion of private sector investments from 28.2 percent in 2021 to 65 percent by 2030. It is anticipated that by the end of this year, the share of private sector investments will reach approximately 48 to 49 percent.



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