AAAM CEO emphasizes key priorities for African automotive sector's evolution



Sun, 12 Nov 2023 - 02:09 GMT


Sun, 12 Nov 2023 - 02:09 GMT

Dave Coffey - CEO of AAAM

Dave Coffey - CEO of AAAM

CAIRO - 12 November 2023: CEO of the African Association of Automotive Manufacturers (AAAM), Dave Coffey, highlighted the pivotal role of mutation policies and effective implementation in steering the African automotive industry.
During the wrap up of the African Automotive Forum, Coffey emphasized a shift towards actionable strategies, underlining the need to delve into the dynamics of new vehicle sales and the substantial investments driving automotive advancements."
The CEO stressed, during his speech, the imperative of a collaborative approach within the private sector. He underscored the significance of strong, coordinated automotive associations across Africa, citing them as essential for realizing a vibrant automotive landscape on the continent.
He praised the example set by Egypt's automotive Supreme Council, where the Prime Minister collaborates with ministers and private sector representatives. He emphasized the importance of a robust senior oversight structure as a key element in effective strategy implementation."
In addressing challenges related to the digital ecosystem and the sale of used vehicles, Coffey acknowledged the fundamental role of the US digital ecosystem in the automotive sector. He shed light on the situation in South Africa, where more than two used vehicles are sold for every new one, and the need for transitioning to locally manufactured vehicles."
Recognizing the issue of affordable access to finance, He acknowledged the complexities involved. He stressed the importance of innovative solutions, including access to data, to facilitate efficient and affordable financing for consumers.
He urged a focus on vehicle components and fuels in promoting industrialization and affordability. Acknowledging the work done in this area, he emphasized the ongoing efforts to find comprehensive solutions."
Highlighting the necessity of collaboration, he addressed the need for private sector associations to actively collaborate and promote trade, especially in the context of regional trade agreements. He cited examples and emphasized the importance of actively supporting the development of cross-border collaborations."
The CEO called for a concerted effort focused on implementing policies, aligning strategies, and generating demand in a structured manner. He expressed gratitude to event participants, moderators, sponsors, and contributors for their role in advancing the automotive agenda in Africa.
African Automotive Forum kicked off at the third edition of the Intra-African Trade Fair, IATF2023. 
The forum took place for two days, Nov. 11 and 12.
The Automotive Forum (conference), spearheaded by the African Association of Automotive Manufacturers (AAAM) addresses the most pertinent issues affecting Africa’s automotive growth. 
The program of the forum includes presentations from global automotive leaders, including multi-national OEMs, and participation of several Heads of State.
It seeks to facilitate co-operation and the development of regional auto supply chains (trade between auto hubs) for auto manufacturing on the continent, in addition to achieving an unprecedented networking with all of Africa’s key role-players and international partners.



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