What Arab columnists tackle on Thursday?



Thu, 01 Jun 2017 - 01:19 GMT


Thu, 01 Jun 2017 - 01:19 GMT

Daily Newspapers - File photo

Daily Newspapers - File photo

CAIRO – 01 June 2017: Egyptian newspapers addressed Arab-Qatari conflict, recent Egyptian airstrikes in Libya, economic reform and other files at issues released on Thursday.


In an article titled “No reconciliation with Tamim the terrorist,” journalist Youssef Ayoub referred to the mediation role of Kuwait to bridge the gap between Gulf States and Qatar, following the rift ignited recently over Emir Tamim bin Hamad’s insulting statements to most Gulf leaders and Egypt.
Ayoub excluded the reconciliation, recalling the 2014 reconciliation, which Qatar respected only for few weeks.


The independent newspaper, al-Shorouk, Emad Eddin Hussein explained in his column the reason of president’s outrage when an MP requested to raise the minimum wage to LE 3,000 ($ 165.47), saying that economic reform is the biggest challenge facing the government, and the president is really aware of this fact, which led him to be carried away of MP’s request.


The state-owned al-Ahram, writer Sameh Abdullah in his article “Why don’t we back Israeli Opposition?” called on Egyptian administration to open dialogue channels with Israeli opposition parties, since our goal is the same, which is reaching the two-state solution. Few weeks ago leftist activists, according to the writer, demonstrated on the 50th commemoration of occupying West Bank, under the title of “Two states…One hope.” Abdullah proposed the Arab League to hold peace conferences, attended by Israeli opposition leaders. Not only that, he appealed to the government to back them to rule Israel in the future.

Al-Masry al-Youm

Writer Mai Azzam numerated reasons of the wide-spread terrorism in Middle East, in spite of the fact that this is the land that witnessed the birth of all divine religions and embraced them all for centuries, she suggested that terrorist groups like Qaeda and Islamic State (IS) terrorist group appeared in the areas underwent the U.S. domination, like Afghanistan and Iraq, she explained that the U.S. used those militants and dubbed them as ‘Mujahedin’ to face the Soviet Union, but it could not tame them anymore, that’s why they turned into a plague that threatens the whole world, not only the Middle East.



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