130 Christian families housed in Ismailia after fleeing Sinai



Wed, 01 Mar 2017 - 05:03 GMT


Wed, 01 Mar 2017 - 05:03 GMT

Coptic families flee from IS to Ismailia - YOUM7 (Archive)

Coptic families flee from IS to Ismailia - YOUM7 (Archive)

CAIRO – 1 March 2017: More than 130 Christian families have fled Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula for the mainland and are being housed in facilities provided by either the Church or the government, Youssef Shoukry, a priest of St. Bishoy in Ismailia City, told



“The Church has no more additional housing available,” the priest said, and has started renting more apartments until it receives the shelters promised by the Housing Ministry and the government.

Fleeing families are provided with food and clothes by various NGOs, government-affiliated agencies and individuals, said Shoukry.

Hundreds of Christian families and students have fled North Sinai to Ismailia after seven Christians were killed by Islamic State elements in Arish, North Sinai since the end of January. Thirty families have fled in the last week.



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