Two physicians arrested for sexually harassing female patients in Luxor



Fri, 27 Sep 2024 - 09:58 GMT


Fri, 27 Sep 2024 - 09:58 GMT

'La lel taharosh' No for sexual harassment - Photo courtesy of Doaa el-Adl

'La lel taharosh' No for sexual harassment - Photo courtesy of Doaa el-Adl

CAIRO – 27 September 2024: Two physicians have been arrested by Egyptian authorities in Luxor, Upper Egypt, for accusations of harassing female patients, while the Medicine Syndicate opened an investigation into this matter.


A video circulating on social media shows young physicians filming female nurses while using inappropriate language to harass them. Additionally, two audio recordings featuring the same doctors have gone viral, in which they confess to sexually harassing some patients during medical examinations.


The Egyptian Ministry of Interior announced in a statement on Friday that the two doctors were arrested and are under interrogation.




Meanwhile, the Medicine Syndicate announced on Thursday that it launched an investigation into the incidents. The doctors could face writing off their names from the medical syndicate.





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