Madrid meeting: Muslim, European ministers advocate for full PA control of Rafah crossing, borders in Gaza



Fri, 13 Sep 2024 - 06:38 GMT


Fri, 13 Sep 2024 - 06:38 GMT

Spain’s PM Pedro Sanchez hosts a meeting with representatives from European nations and various Arab and Islamic countries in Madrid, 13 September 2024 – Egypt’s MFA

Spain’s PM Pedro Sanchez hosts a meeting with representatives from European nations and various Arab and Islamic countries in Madrid, 13 September 2024 – Egypt’s MFA

CAIRO – 13 September 2024: A meeting in Madrid on Friday that included representatives from European nations and various Arab and Islamic countries, including Egypt, has called for the restoration of complete control by the Palestinian Authority (PA) over the Rafah crossing and all borders in Gaza.

In a joint communique, the Madrid meeting also urged the full withdrawal of Israeli occupation forces from Gaza, including the Philadelphi corridor, a buffer zone along the Egyptian-Gazan border.

The participating ministers expressed their support for the ongoing mediation efforts led by Egypt, Qatar, and the United States to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza, while voicing rejection of any actions that impede these efforts.

They reaffirmed their call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the release of captives and detainees.

The Madrid meeting brought together representatives of the Arab-Islamic Contact Group, which includes Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan, the State of Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the Arab League, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, along with foreign ministers and representatives from Ireland, Norway, Slovenia, and Spain.

Rafah, Philadelphi takeover

Since May, Israel has assumed control of the Palestinian section of the Rafah crossing, resulting in the blocking of aid delivery through this crucial point, as well as control of the Philadelphi Corridor.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has maintained a steadfast position on retaining Israeli presence in the corridor to prevent alleged arms smuggling.

This stance has hindered efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement, a step urged by the international community and families of captives held in Gaza since the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7.

The war in Gaza has reignited calls for the urgent implementation of the two-state solution globally, leading to several European nations, including Spain, Ireland, and Norway, recognizing the Palestinian state.

Irreversible two-state solution

The communique emphasized the necessity for the credible and irreversible implementation of the two-state solution in accordance with international law and agreed references, such as the Arab Peace Initiative.

The ministers highlighted that the implementation of the two-state solution aims to establish a just and lasting peace that upholds the rights of the Palestinian people, ensures Israel's security, and fosters normal relations in a region characterized by stability, security, peace, and cooperation.

Madrid ministerial meeting

The ministers called on the international community to take active steps to implement the two-state solution, including globally recognizing the State of Palestine and granting it full membership in the United Nations.

They emphasized the recognition of the State of Palestine as a key element in the new peace agenda, leading to mutual recognition between Israel and Palestine.

The ministers affirmed their countries’ consensus on the need for convening an international peace conference as soon as possible, underscoring their joint commitment to enhancing the implementation of the two-state solution.

Aid delivery

Furthermore, the ministers stressed the urgent need to immediately and unconditionally deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza by opening all Israeli crossings with the enclave.

They called for bolstering support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and other UN agencies.

De-escalation in West Bank

The ministers cautioned against the dangerous escalation in the West Bank and called for an immediate cessation of military attacks against Palestinians, as well as all illegal measures that undermine the prospects for peace, including settlement activities, land confiscation, and the displacement of Palestinians.

They stressed the importance of preserving the legal and historical status of Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem and recognizing the central role of the Hashemite Custodianship in this regard.

The ministers also called for an end to all measures that could lead to regional escalation.



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