Egypt's chief of staff inspects security measures at borders with Gaza Strip



Thu, 05 Sep 2024 - 03:48 GMT


Thu, 05 Sep 2024 - 03:48 GMT

CAIRO – 5 September 2024: Egyptian Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General Ahmed Khalifa inspected Thursday security measures on the northeastern front, as the tour began with a visit to the forces stationed at the Rafah Border Crossing with Gaza Strip.



The chief of staff stressed that the Egyptian Armed Forces' main mission is preserving the borders of the state on all strategic fronts, and that the consecutive generations of the Armed Forces are capable of fending off the homeland's borders. He equally underscored the importance of embracing continuous learning, willpower, and fitness to guarantee the optimal accomplishment of missions.




The lieutenant-general similarly inspected the living conditions of soldiers, and relevant administrative affairs.




The tour was attended by the commander of the Border Guards Branch, deputy commander of the operations command, commander of East Suez Canal Forces in charge of combating terrorism, acting chief of Military Intelligence Agency, commander of the Second Field Army, Special Force commanders, and a number of commanders at the Armed Forces.



The chief of staff listened to a detailed explanation on methods of operation, and coordination among different specializations to ensure full control of borders 24/7.




Lieutenant-General Khalifa had lunch with soldiers in one of the units of the borderline, underlining the necessity that they understand the missions they are assigned to accomplish and that require alertness and ability to deal with emergencies.




Further, the chief of staff thanked them for the effort they put in securing borders, affirming the confidence of the Armed Forces' General Command in their capabilities and combat competence. He also urged them not to pay attention to rumors and arguments aimed at imperiling the Egyptian state, which endured a lot to combat terrorism, eliminate its root causes, and achieve the security and stability currently enjoyed by the Egyptian people in general and Sinai residents in specific.


Lieutenant-General Khalifa visited forces deployed in different areas in Rafah City as he delivered the greetings of the commander-in-chief, President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi, and the general commander, Defense Minister General Abdel Meguid Sakr. He urged them to maintain what has been achieved in terms of the stability of the security status, stipulating that members of the Armed Forces assume the responsibility of defending the homeland's soil no matter what the sacrifices could be.





On the other hand, the chief of staff also listened to soldiers' views and queries, and discussed with them their thoughts on different topics.    


Lieutenant-General Khalifa concluded the tour by a visit to the operations center of the North Sinai Securement Sector. He examined the control measures and securement of developmental projects implemented within the North Sinai Development Plan, lauding the spirit of the Armed Forces' members.





The chief of staff also met with North Sinai's governor and chief of police directorate to coordinate endeavors that fulfill development purposes and achieve decent life to residents.



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