Population of resident Egyptians grows to 106.75M in 206 days



Mon, 02 Sep 2024 - 12:41 GMT


Mon, 02 Sep 2024 - 12:41 GMT

CAIRO – 2 September 2024: The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) announced Monday that the number of resident Egyptians (citizens living in the country) had hit 106,750,000 growing by 750,000 in 206 days since February 8.


As indicated by January data, the most populous governorates in Delta are Cairo (10,303,000); Giza (9,581,000); Sharqia (7,965,000); Daqahleya (7,091,000); and Qalyoubeya (6,176,000). As for Upper Egypt, the order is Menya (6,386,000); Sohag (5,790,000); Asyut (5,115,000); Fayoum (4,128,000); Qena (3,667,000); Beni Suef (3,629,000); Aswan (1,670,000); and, Luxor (1,415,000).


The data also showed that quarter of the population lived in Greater Cairo comprising the governorates of Cairo, Giza, and Qalyoubeya.


The birth rate fell gradually from 2.685 million in 2015 to 2.596 million in 2016; 2.557 million in 2017; 2.382 million in 2018; 2.304 million in 2019; 2.235 million in 2020; and 2.183 million in 2021. As for the drop between 2022 and 2023, it amounted to 149,000 as 2.044 million were born in 2023 down from 2.193 million in 2022.


According to previous statements by the Ministry of Immigration and Egyptian Expats, the official number of Egyptian expats is 9.5 million, while the estimated figure is 13 million.


A document released by the Cabinet in January and titled "Features of the Strategic Orientation of the Egyptian Economy 2024-2030" showed that the government aims for increasing the number of Egyptian expats by one million.


The endeavor capitalizes on the shortage in workers amounting to 100 million in the European Union and the United States. The fields the one million Egyptians are expected to join abroad are artificial intelligence (AI), information technology (IT) services, nursing, and biotechnology among others.



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