Egypt condemns persistence of Israeli violence in West Bank



Sun, 01 Sep 2024 - 11:49 GMT


Sun, 01 Sep 2024 - 11:49 GMT

Press Photo

Press Photo

CAIRO – 1 September 2024: Egypt condemned Sunday the persistence of Israeli military violence in the West Bank, which has caused dozens of casualties and injuries in the past days.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly denounced in a statement the incessant Israeli practices aimed at enlarging the scope of confrontations on Palestinian territories. Those include brutality, illegal killings, arrests, torture, and destruction of roads, infrastructure and houses.


Egypt stressed that Israel must be held accountable for such violations, noting that the country has to abide by its legal obligations as an occupational force and that include the protection of Palestinians, instead of engaging in escalation.  


The ministry warned of the "scorched-earth policy" targeted at undermining the base of establishing an independent Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967 having as capital Eastern Jerusalem. In that framework, it demanded influential international players and the Security Council to put an end to those acts and guarantee protection for the Palestinian people.



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