Weekly briefing: Mabdouly talks refugees, external debt, rumors



Wed, 24 Jul 2024 - 09:00 GMT


Wed, 24 Jul 2024 - 09:00 GMT

Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli - file

Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli - file

CAIRO - 24 July 2024: Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly held the weekly press conference at the cabinet’s headquarters in New Alamein city, where he responded to different questions concerning various topics. 

During the conference, Mabdouly said that the weekly press conference aims to respond to all the concerns of public opinion, extending his sincere thanks to the Speaker of the House of Representatives for giving confidence to the government, saying, “I thank everyone who supported and respects all opinions and observations and also those with reservations regarding the government’s program.”

He continued that he directed the ministers to present a complete detailed program of the government’s program with plans and monthly follow-up of the achievements made in each ministry.

In his remarks, Dr. Mostafa Madbouly said that there is an expected launch of social housing units.



Madbouly stated that part of Egypt’s strength and status comes from it being a destination and refuge for many foreigners, and that the state treats them as guests. 


People with determination

He continued saying that there were violations occurred in the system of importing cars for people of determination, where some groups took advantage of that, and imported cars under the name of people with disabilities to benefit from the facilities dedicated to them. As a result, he said that the import system of cars for people of determination was stopped temporarily until controls are put in place. 


External debt

Speaking about the state’s external debt, Madbouly pointed out that the state is working hard to control external debt, explaining that Egypt's external debt has decreased significantly, as announced by the Central Bank, pointing out that the government has developed a plan to pay the dues of foreign partners.


Cyber attacks

He also mentioned that the cyber attacks witnessed last week resulted in decisions taken by the cabinet in anticipation of any global attacks, saying that external shocks are greater than we can imagine. 


IMF meeting

Mabdouly further tackled the rumors related to the postponement of the IMF meeting on the Egypt file, saying that these rumors are aimed at harming Egypt’s economy, adding, “There are people who dedicate their time to spreading a state of frustration in the Egyptian state.”



He pointed out that the volume of electricity consumption over the past two days exceeded what could be imagined, reaching 38 gigabytes, explaining that there was a crisis that occurred in some transformers on the first day of reducing electricity loads, which is something that happens in various countries of the world. 

He also explained that the gradual increase in the prices of petroleum products will take a year and a half.

The Prime Minister said that some electrical wires melted in some transformers due to the extreme rise in temperatures.



Dr. Mostafa Madbouly stressed, during Wednesday’s meeting, the need to move to secure Egypt’s needs for medicine and ensure the adequacy of the supply of essential medicines in the markets, in addition to ensuring the strengthening of local manufacturing capabilities in this field to confront any shortage in supply levels, as well as supporting the export capabilities of the pharmaceutical industry. 

In this regard, he directed the Egyptian government to study abroad the proposals received from the Chamber of Pharmaceutical Industry, whether to enhance local manufacturing or expand exports.



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