President Sisi highlights Gaza war, price increases on June 30 Revolution anniversary



Sun, 30 Jun 2024 - 10:47 GMT


Sun, 30 Jun 2024 - 10:47 GMT

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi addresses the nation on the 11th anniversary of the June 30, 2013 Revolution – Egyptian Presidency

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi addresses the nation on the 11th anniversary of the June 30, 2013 Revolution – Egyptian Presidency

CAIRO – 30 June 2024: President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi addressed the nation on the 11th anniversary of the June 30, 2013 Revolution, shedding light on the turbulent regional situation and the issue of rising prices in Egypt.

In his speech on Sunday, President Sisi emphasized the significant changes occurring in the region, particularly in the wake of "the heinous Israeli war in Gaza."

He said, while “the humanity’s conscience has been absent and international community has turned a blind eye to the tens of thousands of innocent victims, displaced and afflicted,” Egypt has been standing by the Palestinian people during the war.

“Egypt's position has been noble, honorable, and patriotic,” Sisi said. “Egypt did not stay idle in providing relief to our Palestinian brothers with actions before words.”

Furthermore, he emphasized Egypt's commitment to thwarting attempts of forced displacement of Palestinians, safeguarding Egyptian national security, and preserving the Palestinian cause.


Addressing price hikes

Sisi also highlighted the Egyptian people’s suffering due to the recent price increases, reassuring them that the new government has a priority to ease this suffering.

Sisi addressed “every Egyptian man and woman who endure the hardships of life and rising prices during the recent period in order to provide a good life for their children.”

“I fully understand the extent of your suffering and I assure you that the top priority for the new government is to alleviate this suffering, create more jobs and build a better future for all the honorable people of Egypt.”

Overcoming challenges

President Sisi underscored that the commemoration of the revolution reaffirms the strength of Egyptians, their unwavering loyalty to their homeland, and their commitment to their Egyptian identity in overcoming challenges.

“Eleven years ago, Egyptians proved themselves stronger than their enemies imagined, and more resilient than those who thought they could harm our country with their black terrorism,” Sisi said.

He added that Egyptians today have set the finest examples of determination, cohesion, and the resolve to overcome crises and turn them into opportunities and successes.

“On this precious commemoration, I renew my commitment with you and affirm that Egypt will never abandon its determination to overcome all challenges,” Sisi said.

He emphasized that the June 30 Revolution represented a defining moment, distinguishing the eternal Egyptian national consciousness from attempts by non-national forces to dismantle or seize it.

Sisi recalled how Egyptians, on this day, expressed their unwavering dedication to protecting their homeland and reclaiming its resources, effectively ending a period of chaos and destruction.

Despite the difficulties and challenges faced, Egyptians have embarked on a path of progress, prosperity, and goodness, he added.

The president highlighted the notable progress achieved since 2013.

“Stability has prevailed in our country after a period of chaos. Security has found its way to our hearts after years of fear and concern over the fate of the nation. The state institutions have stabilized after being on the brink of collapse.”

President Sisi commended the Egyptian people for their tireless efforts in defeating terrorism and laying the foundation for development.

He emphasized that the state continues to work diligently day and night to modernize factories, reclaim vast areas of desert land, and improve healthcare and education to meet the needs of the Egyptian people.

Moreover, the government has made significant investments in constructing cities, roads, energy and irrigation networks, as well as establishing and developing strategic ports and modern transportation lines.



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