South Sinai Governor, S.Korean Amb. talk promoting tourism, mutual cooperation



Wed, 26 Jun 2024 - 08:16 GMT


Wed, 26 Jun 2024 - 08:16 GMT

Dahab, South Sinai - file

Dahab, South Sinai - file

CAIRO - 26 June 2024: Governor of South Sinai Major General Dr. Khaled Fouda, received in his office in Sharm El-Sheikh Wednesday Ambassador Kim Jong-hyun, the South Korean ambassador to Cairo, his wife, and the delegation accompanying him, to discuss strengthening the mechanisms of joint cooperation between the South Sinai Governorate and South Korea.
The meeting also aimed at promoting tourist movement from South Korea to South Sinai.
The Governor of South Sinai stressed the depth of the relations between Egypt in general, South Sinai in particular, and South Korea in many fields, including the field of tourism, hoping that the coming period will witness more tourist delegations coming to the tourist cities of South Sinai.
For his part, the ambassador expressed his happiness at his first meeting with the governor of South Sinai, praising the good meeting and warm welcome. He stressed that the Egyptian tourist destination in general and Sharm El-Sheikh in particular is a promising destination for Korean tourists because of its diverse and unique tourist and archaeological components.
The South Korean ambassador also praised the renaissance and achievements witnessed in all fields in Egypt during the era of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi through which a large number of giant projects that serve Egyptian citizens are being implemented.
For his part, the South Korean delegation explained the unprecedented development efforts witnessed by all the cities of South Sinai in the areas of facilities, infrastructure and superstructure, and services provided to citizens, and development in the field of tourism infrastructure, especially in the cities of Sharm El-Sheikh, Dahab, St. Catherine and Taba, which qualifies the governorate to be a destination for tourism from all countries of the world, especially South Korea.
The governor expressed his desire to sign a twinning protocol between the city of Sharm El Sheikh and one of the corresponding tourist cities in South Korea to stimulate tourism and cooperation in the fields of culture, health, sports and tourism.
The Korean ambassador expressed his strong welcome to the protocol and promised a joint study between the South Sinai governorate and the embassy of the terms of the protocol and setting a date for its official signing.
South Sinai governor invited the South Korean ambassador, his wife, and the delegation accompanying him to visit a number of tourist destinations in Sharm El-Sheikh, including the Sharm El-Sheikh Museum, the Cathedral of the Heavens, the Companions Mosque, and the old market, to promote the tourist destinations in Sharm El-Sheikh.
At the end of the meeting, souvenirs were exchanged, and the governor presented the South Sinai Governorate shield to the ambassador, to consolidate friendly relations, and souvenir photos were taken.
The meeting was attended by Major General Muhammad Shair, Assistant Secretary, Counselor Walid Al-Sibai, Legal Advisor to the Governorate, and Major General Khaled Metwally, Advisor to the Governor for International Relations.



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