Glimpse into Egypt's efforts to expand agricultural area



Tue, 04 Jun 2024 - 01:28 GMT


Tue, 04 Jun 2024 - 01:28 GMT

FILE - Agricultural land in Egypt

FILE - Agricultural land in Egypt

CAIRO – 4 June 2024: The high rate of population growth made it mandatory to expand the surface area of agricultural lands in order to achieve self-sufficiency and reduce the import bill. That is why the government has had a target to introduce new millions of feddans of cultivable lands intensifying its efforts in that realm between 2018 and 2024.


There are eight reclamation projects that are still underway. One is the New Egyptian Countryside extending on a total of 1.5 million feddans in the governorates of Menya, New Valley, Aswan, Matrouh, and South Sinai. The second is the New Delta stretching on two million feddans lying in New Dabaa. The third is Sanabel Sono located in Kom Ombo having a surface area of 150,000 feddans and that will be irrigated by underground water.


The fourth is the cultivation of 62,000 feddans in the governorates of Beni Suef and Menya. The fifth is the cultivation of 270,000 feddans in North and South Sinai using treated wastewater produced by Bahr Al Baqar. The sixth is the cultivation of 50,000 feddans East Ismailiyah using treated wastewater produced by Al Mahsama. The seventh and eighth are expanding East Owainat and Toshki by 120,000 feddans and 560,000 feddans, respectively.


In a related context, a project is being implemented to set up greenhouses on a total surface area of 100,000 feddans in the governorates of Ismailiyah, Sharqia, Matrouh, Giza, and Fayoum.


Also, in the context of securing food needs, fisheries are being introduced in Sinai, West Port Said, and Kafr El Sheikh with an estimated annual production of 27,000 tons upon completion.



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