et Report: How Egypt's role in the Palestinian issue impacts region's stability



Sat, 25 May 2024 - 12:34 GMT


Sat, 25 May 2024 - 12:34 GMT

Egyptian and Palestinian flags

Egyptian and Palestinian flags

CAIRO - 25 May 2024: For decades, Egypt's role in the Palestinian issue has been remarkable and appreciated by all parties and seen by the whole world. 
Egypt deals with the Palestinian issue from the point of view of it being a national security issue
In this regard, the Egyptian state has adopted a consistent policy regarding the method of resolving the Palestinian issue.
Egypt's consistency policy
- The political leadership in all regional and international forums calls for stability
- The region will only be achieved through the establishment of an independent, sovereign Palestinian state
- The 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, live in security, peace and stability next to Israel, provided that all this is done through political negotiations.
Relations with Palestinian factions:
Egypt has strong relations with the Palestinian National Authority, as well as with all factions
and Palestinian organizations without exception. 
This has allowed Egypt to have a distinguished role on this issue, in addition to its good relationship with both Israel and the United States of America.
Stations showing effective Egyptian role:
A- Egypt hosted many meetings that witnessed attempts to resolve the issue, the most prominent were the Oslo Accords of 1994 and the Taba Negotiations of 2001.
B- Egypt facilitated the transition of the Palestinian Authority after the death of President Arafat to Abu Mazen.
C- Supervising the complete Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in September 2005.
D- Egypt opened the Rafah land crossing permanently. 
E- Egypt hosted the signing of the Palestinian reconciliation agreement in Cairo in May 2011.
F- Egypt helped in the completion of the prisoner exchange deal in the Shalit case in November 2011, where more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners were released in exchange for one Israeli soldier.
5.Egypt moved intensively after the outbreak of the recent military operations.
How Egypt dealt towards the incidents following the Israeli attack on Gaza:
Speaking about the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip on 7/10/2023 shows how Egypt, since then, is moving in a minefield, where the following happened:
- Egypt confirmed the constants that govern its position, the most important of which is its rejection of punitive policies, in addition to mass and forced displacement or the liquidation of the Palestinian cause.
- Egypt repeatedly emphasized that the displacement of Palestinians to Sinai is a red line that it will not allow.
- The Cairo Peace Conference was held on 10/21 in order to deliver a message to the world that the political solution is the basis for stability and security in the region.
- Egypt has coordinated the delivery of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip in large quantities.
- Egypt has also helped reaching a humanitarian truce that contributed to increasing humanitarian aid into Gaza and completing a family exchange deal between Israel and Hamas.
- Egypt is still making all possible efforts, as President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi made extensive contacts to reach a humanitarian truce that would lead to a ceasefire fire.
Regarding the post-war issue, there is no doubt that the Egyptian political leadership is dealing with this matter with all seriousness, as the Gaza Strip represents an issue for Egypt National security; hence, Egypt is keen that any proposed solution must be put in place considering that both Gaza and the West Bank are the two wings of the prospective Palestinian state.



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