Israel’s plans to displace Palestinians to Sinai rejected internationally, Source



Wed, 22 May 2024 - 05:58 GMT


Wed, 22 May 2024 - 05:58 GMT

CAIRO – 22 May 2024: A high-ranking Egyptian source renewed Egypt's categorical rejection of Israel's plans to displace the residents of Gaza to Sinai, stressing that Egypt will not allow the realization of Israeli ambitions in the Palestinian territories at its expense.

The source added that Israel must review the position of the accumulated Egyptian aid at the Kerem Shalom crossing, which exceeds 500 trucks, before claiming and accusing Egypt of preventing the entry of aid into the Strip

The high-ranking source confirmed that Israeli intentions and plans to displace Palestinians to Sinai are rejected by Egypt and internationally.

Hamas leader Izzat al-Rishq also said that as Israel has targeted Qatar and its role before, now they are launching campaigns against Egypt and accusing it of thwarting efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement, al Qahera news channel reported.

Earlier on Wednesday, A high-level source expressed Egypt's astonishment about some parties' attempts to insult the Egyptian efforts deployed over the past months to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza Strip and bring an end to the bloodshed endured by innocent civilians.

The source added that some parties play a game aimed by levelling allegations against mediators – Qatar and Egypt - and accusing them of bias in order to evade making the necessary decisions.

The source underscored that Egypt was brokering a ceasefire and hostage exchange deal after continuous insistence to play that role given its experience, capability and competence in managing hard negotiations.

The source also criticized the use of anonymous sources in media reports labelling them "informed" saying that Egypt challenges those media outlets to attribute the information mentioned to specific official U.S. or Israeli sources.




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