Egypt: Israel adopts systematic policy to make Gaza unviable



Sun, 12 May 2024 - 09:12 GMT


Sun, 12 May 2024 - 09:12 GMT

Egypt’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ahmed Abu Zeid – File Photo

Egypt’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ahmed Abu Zeid – File Photo

CAIRO – 12 May 2024: Commenting on Egypt's official intervention to support South Africa's genocide case against Israel before the ICJ, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid said that Egypt, since day one, was studying this measure, besides warnings against the danger of targeting the Palestinian city of Rafah.


Speaking to the “Kalima Akheera” talk show on “ON” T.V., he also said that Egypt has warned against the danger of exposing 1.4 million Palestinians to an imminent humanitarian catastrophe.


He also said that Egypt has warned against the danger of exposing 1.4 million Palestinians to an imminent humanitarian catastrophe. Abu zeid said: Israel is following a systematic policy to make the Gaza Strip unviable”


The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement confirming Egypt's official intervention to support South Africa's genocide case against Israel before the ICJ.


The statement emphasizes that Egypt's intervention comes in response to the escalating severity and scale of Israeli assaults on Palestinians in Gaza.


The ministry's statement highlights Israel's systematic practices against Palestinians in Gaza, including deliberate targeting of civilians, destruction of infrastructure, and forcing Palestinians to leave their land.


These actions by Israel “have led to an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, creating unlivable conditions in the Gaza Strip, blatantly violating international law, international humanitarian law, and the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War,” according to the ministry.


Egypt calls on Israel, as the occupying force, to comply with the provisional measures issued by the ICJ. These measures call for ensuring adequate aid delivery and refraining from any violations against Palestinians by Israeli forces.



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