Egypt's top prosecutor: Drivers grossly exceeding speed limits to face criminal trials



Sat, 11 May 2024 - 09:33 GMT


Sat, 11 May 2024 - 09:33 GMT

A man observes the aftermath of a truck collision involving 16 vehicles on Ring Road, which resulted in four fatalities and 11 injuries, May 11, 2024

A man observes the aftermath of a truck collision involving 16 vehicles on Ring Road, which resulted in four fatalities and 11 injuries, May 11, 2024

CAIRO – 11 May 2024: Egypt's Public Prosecutor Mohamed Shawki has issued an order stating that individuals who exceed the legal speed limit by a substantial margin will be referred to criminal trial for endangering lives.

Posting the decree on social media on Saturday, the Public Prosecution said this comes in response to a significant number of traffic accidents in recent times, resulting in significant loss of life and property.

The prosecution attributes these accidents primarily to the violation of speed limits.

The directives were issued shortly after a truck carrying sand tragically crashed into 16 vehicles on Cairo’s Ring Road near Maadi. The collision resulted in the death of four people and left 11 others injured.

Police investigations concluded that the truck driver lost control over the truck while driving at excessive speeds.


In his decree, Shawki instructs the Public Prosecution's offices in all governorates to take necessary legal actions against those responsible for these violations, including imposing legal fines commensurate with the severity of the offense.

He emphasizes that criminal trials await individuals who are proven to have grossly exceeding speed limits, as their actions pose a threat to people's lives, properties, and instill fear and insecurity among road users.

According to a report by Egypt's statistical agency CAPMAS, road accident injuries across the country increased by 8.7 percent in 2022 compared to the previous year, with a recorded total of 55,991 injuries.



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