Egyptian President Sisi receives Sultan of Indian Bohra Community



Sat, 11 May 2024 - 11:45 GMT


Sat, 11 May 2024 - 11:45 GMT

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received Sultan Mufaddal Saif al-Din, Sultan of the Bohra community, an India-based subgroup of Shiism

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received Sultan Mufaddal Saif al-Din, Sultan of the Bohra community, an India-based subgroup of Shiism

CAIRO – 11 May 2024: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received Sultan Mufaddal Saif al-Din, Sultan of the Bohra community, an India-based subgroup of Shiism, at the Presidential Palace in Cairo on Saturday.



The Sultan of the Bohra community was accompanied by his brother Prince Commander Jawhar Ezz al-Din, and his sons: Prince Jaafar al-Sadiq Imad al-Din, Prince Taha Najm al-Din, and Prince Hussein Burhan al-Din.



President Sisi praised the historical relations that bind Egypt to the Bohra community, which played a role -led by the Sultan- in restoring and renovating mosques and shrines of the Ahl al-Bayt (holy family of the Prophet Muhammad- Peace and Blessing be upon him) and the ancient mosques in Cairo, besides other development projects in Egypt.



The Sultan of Bohra affirmed his great appreciation for President Sisi and Egypt’s development efforts.




The Sultan also praised President Sisi’s role in strengthening the principles and values of citizenship and tolerance, enhancing coexistence and peace.



Regarding Egypt’s efforts in the regional arena when it comes to bringing in and advancing security and stability, the Sultan of Bohra appreciated Egypt’s tireless endeavor to work to end wars and conflicts to achieve a better future for all peoples.



On 7 August 2023, the Sultan of Bohra and his sons visited Egypt, where they met with President Sisi. The President awarded Sultan Mufaddal Saifuddin the Nile Sash, in recognition of his ongoing efforts in Egypt at the cultural, charitable and community levels.



In April, 2022, President Sisi and Sultan Saifuddin made an inspection tour of renovation works at the mosques and shrines of Ahl al-Bayt, like the most prominent Al-Hussein Mosque, Assayeda Nafisa Mosque and Assayeda Zainab Mosque.


Additional reporting by Hanan Fayed




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