Investigations underway into murder of 15-year-old for organ trafficking: Egypt’s Attorney-General



Fri, 26 Apr 2024 - 12:12 GMT


Fri, 26 Apr 2024 - 12:12 GMT

Human Trafficking photo- CC via Flickr/ Imagens Evangélicas

Human Trafficking photo- CC via Flickr/ Imagens Evangélicas

CAIRO – 26 April 2024: A 15-year-old child was tragically found murdered, with some of his entrails removed and placed in a bag beside him. This crime has led to the discovery of a network involved in human organ trafficking.


The perpetrator admitted to committing the crime at the request of an Egyptian national residing in Kuwait, communicated through social media platforms associated with human organ trafficking.


During a video call, the Egyptian resident in Kuwait instructed the perpetrator to kill a victim to extract his organs, offering 5 million EGP as payment. The resident further directed the killer on how to carry out the extraction. Subsequently, the resident requested a repeat of the murder with another victim in exchange for the agreed-upon sum. Fortunately, the murderer was apprehended before committing a second crime.


The investigation by the Attorney-General's office did not uncover any evidence of medical equipment indicating an intent for trading human organs.


The Attorney-General office issued a warrant of arrest against the Egyptian national in Kuwait, who is also 15 years old, sending it to the International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL- in Kuwait. Then, he along his father were arrested and deported back to Egypt, while their electronic devices were confiscated.


Following interrogation, the 15-year-old perpetrator admitted to instructing the killer to murder victim and extract his organs for sale on other online platforms associated with organ trafficking. The minor also confessed to having committed this crime multiple times before.


The Attorney-General stated that investigations are still underway.



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