Countdown to Election: Egypt Prepares for Silence Period



Tue, 21 Nov 2023 - 07:56 GMT


Tue, 21 Nov 2023 - 07:56 GMT

CAIRO - 21 November 2023: With just 18 days remaining until the commencement of the electoral silence period for candidates within the country, Egyptian candidates will cease electoral campaigning for citizens within Egypt starting Friday, December 8, at 12:00 AM. This pause comes just two days before the scheduled voting date.

The voting process within the country is set to begin on Sunday, December 10, and will continue for three consecutive days until Tuesday, December 12. The National Election Authority has finalized the printing of over 67 million ballots, corresponding to the number of eligible voters according to the voter database. Additionally, preparations have commenced for the printing of voter lists, voting and counting records, and all documents related to the electoral process.

The voting procedure emphasizes the importance of the voter's name being registered in the electoral committee where they intend to cast their vote. Voters must present personal identification, either the national ID card or passport, and the committee head must verify their presence in the voter registry. Voters will receive a stamped or signed ballot, and individuals with special needs can express their choice privately to the committee head, as indicated on the card.

The final list of candidates includes presidential candidates:

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, represented by the star symbol.
Presidential candidate Farid Zahran, President of the Egyptian Democratic Party, represented by the sun symbol.
Presidential candidate Abdel-Sanad Yamama, President of the Wafd Party, represented by the palm tree symbol.
Presidential candidate Hazem Omar, represented by the ladder symbol.

Campaigning encompasses all activities undertaken by candidates or their campaign teams, including hanging banners, holding seminars, conferences, media appearances on visual, audio, print, and electronic media, and engaging on social media platforms. These activities aim to persuade voters of the candidate's electoral program.

The National Election Authority, led by Chairman Hazem Badawy, has established guidelines and prohibitions in election campaigning. The maximum spending limit for the first round is set at 20 million, and 5 million for the run-off. Candidates are allowed to open bank accounts at Bank Misr or Al Ahli Bank for monitoring campaign expenditures. They are also permitted to receive donations from Egyptian individuals only, with a maximum limit of 2% of the allocated 20 million for spending.

The authority has prohibited the use of religious symbols in campaigning and the use of places of worship, universities, government buildings, and public transportation for campaigning purposes. Additionally, it is forbidden to use state-owned buildings, facilities, and means of transport and communication for election propaganda. Political officeholders and senior state administrators are not allowed to participate in any form of campaigning to positively or negatively influence election results.




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