Wafd Party leader undergoes medical tests to run in 2024 Presidential Election



Tue, 03 Oct 2023 - 05:13 GMT


Tue, 03 Oct 2023 - 05:13 GMT

CAIRO – 3 October 2023: President of Al Wafd Party Abdel Sanad Yamama underwent Tuesday medical tests at Sheikh Zayed Specialized Hospital lying in Giza's 6th of October City fulfilling the requirements to run in 2024 Presidential Election.


Wafd Leader 2

Yamama had fulfilled another major requirement which is garnering nominations from 20 members of the House of Representatives, which is the minimum needed to participate in the race.


The conditions also provide another alternative, which is collecting at least 25,000 nominations from citizens. Yet, they must be from at least 15 governorates, with each contributing at least 1,000 nominations.


President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi announced Monday he would run for a third term in the 2024 presidential election taking place in December. He made the announcement in the closing speech of the Homeland Story Conference that began Saturday in the New Administrative Capital.


The voting will take place abroad on December 1-3, and domestically on December 10-12, while the result will be announced on December 18. The candidacy submission will open on October 5 and close on October 14 with four confirmed potential candidates until present.



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