CAIRO – 28 May 2023: Minister of Social Solidarity Nevine al-Qabbaj received Friday Syrian counterpart Loai Emad El Din al-Menaged to confer over cooperation in the fields of civil society, governance of the donation system, gender equality, and empowerment of the disabled and vulnerable groups.
Minister Qabbaj pointed out that the performance of the Egyptian civil society improved in the past years, and that it has been taking part in many national and developmental projects.
The minister attributed that to the promulgation of law no.149/2019 regulating civil work. She clarified that it had consolidated governance operations, made the maximum duration for approving/rejecting grants 60 working days, facilitated electronic financial transactions, sanctioned the reception of grants from both Egyptian and foreign entities, eliminated prison penalties in case of violations, and restricted disbanding NGOs to court sentences or board decisions.
The law also provided establishing a fund that would finance projects initiated and managed by NGOs. Furthermore, an electronic platform was launched to provide services to the civil society, while a national strategy for volunteering will be launched soon.
As for the economic empowerment of vulnerable segments, the minister shed light on Takaful w Karama, the monetary subsidies programme, assisting five million families. She also underscored the delivery of microfinancing, and holding 20 fairs annually for the families to sell their production. In that framework, she stressed the necessity of holding joint fairs between Egypt and Syria, displaying the products of both countries.
Minister Qabbaj equally asserted the importance of joining forces to deliver craft and vocational training targeted at youth and women, providing them with technical support and non-financial services, including paperwork, license issuance, and distribution outlets.
In turn, Minister al-Menaged requested a technical visit from the Egyptian side to Syria to learn about the Egyptian experience with the NGOs' electronic platform, coordinate fairs, and discuss the delivery of social protection to Syrian workers in Egypt.
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