6th of October War veteran, former Military Intelligence top official Nagy Shohoud passes away



Sun, 04 Dec 2022 - 12:17 GMT


Sun, 04 Dec 2022 - 12:17 GMT

FILE – Major-General Nagy Shohoud

FILE – Major-General Nagy Shohoud

CAIRO – 4 December 2022: Famed 6th of October War Veteran Nagy Shohoud, who also served as assistant to the chief of Military Intelligence for 13 years, passed away early on Sunday.


In the last years of his career, Major-General Shohoud was consultant to Nasser Military Academy, and delivered dozens of lectures on national security awareness at schools, universities, and many other establishments.


The war that took place in 1973 was waged by Egypt against Israeli troops in Sinai Peninsula, which had been occupied by the Hebrew state since June 5, 1967. In 6 hours, the Egyptian Armed Forces destroyed Bar Lev Line – a series of fortifications – that was lying on the eastern shore of the Suez Canal.


In the following days, Egypt had recovered 15 kilometers of the occupied land before a ceasefire was reached. Later on, peace talks were held resulting in the 1979 Peace Treaty. A major outcome of the deal is the gradual withdrawal of Israeli forces over three years until 1982. Yet, Taba – located southern Sinai on the borders with Israel - was retrieved through international arbitration in 1989.



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