CAIRO - 14 August 2022: President Abdel Fattah El Sisi held on Sunday a meeting with Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli and the newly-appointed ministers following the swearing-in ceremony, said Presidential Spokesman Bassam Rady.
Earlier in the day, the newly-appointed ministers in the Madbouli government took the constitutional oath before Sisi at the presidential palace in New Alamein City.
Sisi called on the new ministers to show impartiality, objectivity and dedication and to exert utmost efforts to uphold the interests of the nation in the first place.
President Sisi, meanwhile, also urged them to recognize the great responsibility they assume in light of the recent international changes, which have affected all world countries, including Egypt.
The current challenges require continuous diligent work with a strong will, President Sisi added during his meeting Sunday with Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli and the newly-appointed ministers after the swearing-in ceremony at the Presidential Palace in New Alamein City.
President Sisi also directed the newly-appointed ministers to get acquainted with the available capabilities of their ministries, said Presidential Spokesman Bassam Rady.
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