CAIRO – 22 November 2021: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement Sunday welcoming the signing of the political agreement between Chairman of the Sudanese Sovereign Council Abdel Fatah al-Burhan, and Interim Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok.
The ministry commended "in that context, the wisdom and the responsibility embraced by all Sudanese parties to achieve congruence on the success of the transitional period in a way that fulfills the high interests of Sudan," the statement reads.
"Egypt also expresses hope that the agreement will be a step forward to achieve sustainable stability in Sudan opening the horizons of development and prosperity for the fellow Sudanese people," the statement indicates.
The articles of the declaration signed earlier on Sunday are:
First: The 2019 Constitutional Document (amended in 2020) is the main reference to continue the transitional period, taking into consideration the status of eastern Sudan, while working together to deal with it in a way that guarantees stability and satisfies its residents.
Second: Both parties commit to amend to the Constitutional Declaration consensually in a way that ensures the political participation of all social segments, except for the dissolved National Conference Party.
Third: Both parties affirm that the existing partnership between civilians and military men are the guarantee and path to stability and security in Sudan. However, both parties are committed to form a civilian government of technocrats.
Fourth: The Transitional Council of Sovereignty shall oversee the tasks of the transitional period indicated in Article 8 of the Constitutional Document, without a direct intervention on the executive work.
Fifth: Ensuring the transfer of power on the designated time [July 2023] to an elected civil government.
Sixth: The management of the transitional period shall be carried out in accordance with a political declaration delineating the framework of partnership among national powers (political and civil), military component, civil administration, resistance committees, revolutionary powers, youth, women, and Sufi leaders.
Seventh: Holding an investigation into the injuries and deaths that occurred among civilians and military men during protests, and prosecuting the culprits.
Eighth: Accomplishing Juba Peace Agreement, and making those who did not sign join it.
Ninth: Forming the legislative council, and judicial agencies, including the Constitutional Court, the appointment of the chief justice and the public prosecutor, and then forming other transitional institutions and commissions. Those establishments shall resume their missions immediately according to precise timelines.
Tenth: Launching a transparent expansive dialogue among all political and social powers as well as revolutionary powers with the aim of founding the Constitutional Conference.
Eleventh: Both parties affirm the necessity of restructuring the committee responsible for dismantling the June 30 Regime while reviewing its performance over the past period. That is in addition to activating the committees of appeal and reviewing its decisions according to the degrees of litigation.
Twelfth: Freeing all political detainees.
Thirteenth: Working on building a unified national army.
Fourteenth: By signing this agreement, the general commander's decision of dismissing the interim prime minister is cancelled.
Head of the Sudanese Sovereign Council, Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan announced in October the state of emergency all over the country, the dissolution of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council and the government, and the suspension of some articles of the Constitutional Document for the transitional period in Sudan.
Burhan said that a number of the political forces incited chaos and violence, and started to fight each other, which threatens Sudan’s security. He pledged commitment to the 2020 Juba Peace Agreement, and to the transition process until handing over the authority to a newly elected government by July 2023.
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