white. A simple color that can be interpreted in so many ways and represents so many different things to different people. White is a sign of purity, innocence, renewal, freedom, simplicity and revival. It’s a fresh start, a clean slate, a new beginning. This is where all Egyptians are today.
We have seen so many amazing photos and videos, and our mind is bogged down with so many vivid and bold images that we may be unable to fully appreciate the benefits of where we are today. It’s rare that a 7,000-year-old country has the opportunity to write its new history on a clean slate.
Egypt has set a new standard for revolutions worldwide. Egyptians, in fact, created a White Revolution. A peaceful, clean, sincere, pure and totally Egyptian revolution. As one international correspondent put it, “This is the first time we’ve seen a revolution that cleans up after itself.” We are all in the process of rejuvenating and cleansing our minds and souls. What will you write on your white cover?
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