Esna Temple

Egyptian-German archaeological mission restoring Esna Temple succeeds in revealing dazzling inscriptions, reliefs

Sun, 15 May 2022 - 10:18 GMT

Egyptian-German archaeological mission restoring Esna Temple succeeds in revealing dazzling inscriptions, reliefs.

Training of 68 bazaar owners in Luxor's Esna completed within “Creating Ambassadors” program

Tue, 05 Oct 2021 - 01:19 GMT

The two-day training program discussed a set of sales skills, dealing with visitors, and pricing.

Egypt’s Min. of Tourism & Antiquities holds awareness symposium for bazaar owners in Esna

Sun, 12 Sep 2021 - 02:21 GMT

This awareness symposium comes within the framework of the ministry’s plan to raise the efficiency of citizens who work in tourism and deal with Egyptian and foreign tourists nationwide.

Egypt’s tourism & antiquities min. visits Esna Temple for inspection

Sun, 29 Aug 2021 - 03:45 GMT

The Services Development Committee is now following up on the work of developing and rehabilitating the site and raising the efficiency of its services

Joint Egyptian-German mission launches 6th season to restore Esna Temple

Thu, 05 Nov 2020 - 01:08 GMT

The joint Egyptian-German mission between the Antiquities Registration Center of the Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities and the Egyptology Department at the German University of Tübingen started the works of the sixth season of the project of restoring and documenting the Esna Temple (Temple of Khnum) in Luxor Governorate.

Rocky cemetery uncovered in Lisht area, Giza

Wed, 05 Sep 2018 - 01:58 GMT

The Egyptian Archaeological Mission working at Lisht necropolis area, Giza, uncovered a rocky cemetery, located at the north east of Senusret I pyramid.
